
Ansible role to build and publish the docker image for your application

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Wimpy Build Build Status

Ansible role to help you build and push Docker images to a Docker Registry.


The parameters are

  • wimpy_application_name: The name to identify your project.
  • wimpy_release_version: Used for tagging your docker image.
  • wimpy_docker_image_name: (Optional: Defaults to wimpy_application_name). If using a Docker Registry other than DockerHub, this parameter must contain the registry host in the name.
  • wimpy_docker_skip_login:: (Optional: Defaults to False). If using a Docker Registry that doesnt't require you to login.
  • wimpy_docker_image_force: (Optional: Defaults to no). Creates a new docker image even if one with the same name and tag already exists in the repository. Useful to override SNAPSHOT builds.
  • wimpy_docker_image_skip_latest_tag: (Optional: Defaults to False). If set to True it will not tag the built image as latest. Useful if releasing a patch for non mainstream branch like older versions or building non stable code.

Login to Docker Registry

When publishing to a Docker Registry that needs you to login (like DockerHub), pass the following parameters

  • wimpy_docker_registry: It must have trailing slash. If you pass an empty string, it will use DockerHub. Otherwise, it will create an AWS ECR.
  • wimpy_docker_registry_username: Credentials for the Docker Registry.
  • wimpy_docker_registry_email: Credentials for the Docker Registry.
  • wimpy_docker_registry_password: Credentials for the Docker Registry.


- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    wimpy_application_name: "my-project"
    wimpy_release_version: "9da8s9fud8"
    - wimpy.build