Nexis Swap

Build Instructions

  1. clone the repository
git clone
  1. change working directory

    cd Nexis-Swap
    cd sdk-core-nexis
  2. install sdk-core-nexis dependencies

    yarn install
    yarn build
    yalc publish
  3. change working directory to interface now

    cd ..
    cd interface
    yarn install
  4. If the above stuff fails run this

     yalc add @uniswap/sdk-core@4.2.0
     yalc link @uniswap/sdk-core@4.2.0
     yarn lfg
     yarn install
     rm apps/web/src/graphql/data/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts
     mv types-and-hooks.ts apps/web/src/graphql/data/__generated__/types-and-hooks.ts
     yarn web start
  5. build

    yarn build:production

Details about the Verified Smart Contracts used in Nexis Swap:

Contract Name Contract Address Explorer URL
UniswapV2Factory 0xB7DCc36875fFCA129e2934cf2221566d42d45Be0 explorer url
UniswapInterfaceMulticall 0x7EdBdB96aaBd5F07A499F248DdE70948bDBec16a explorer url
WETH9 0x1F829609216366FE5BB6b98e68441eD6ebBEA1A3 explorer url
UniswapV2Router02 0x293983734f2Cc3A5b3b576c806Bcb1489a59092D explorer url

How to deploy and verify the above mentioned Smart Contracts (using Remix IDE):


  • Upload the Uniswap v2-core contracts folder in your remix workspace
  • Compile the UniswapV2Factory.sol contract with Solidity 0.5.16 version
  • Deploy the contract
  • Once deployed get the INIT_CODE_HASH
  • To verify the deployed contract, flatten the contract code by right-clicking on the UniswapV2Factory.sol and selecting flatten. This will create a flattened code for the factory contract which can be used for verifying the contract on Nexis Testnet

Multicall Contract

  • In a new Remix workspace, create a new file called multicall.sol and paste the contract source code available on this link
  • Compile this contract using solidity version 0.7.6
  • Deploy the contract
  • Once deployed, verify the contract by using the source code of the contract on Nexis Testnet

WETH Contract

  • In a new Remix workspace, create a new file called weth.sol and paste the contract source code available on this link)
  • Compile this contract using solidity version 0.4.18
  • Deploy the contract
  • Once deployed, verify the contract by using the source code of the contract on Nexis Testnet

UniswapV2Router02 Contract

  • Upload the Uniswap v2-periphery contracts folder in your remix workspace
  • Add the INIT_CODE here that you got when deploying the UniswapV2Factory contract
  • Compile the UniswapV2Router02.sol contract with Solidity 0.6.6 version and enable optimization and set its value to 999999 in Advanced Configurations
  • Deploy the contract
  • To verify the deployed contract, flatten the contract code by right-clicking on the UniswapV2Router02.sol and selecting flatten. This will create a flattened code for the Router contract which can be used for verifying the contract on Nexis Testnet