
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Title: Calculator
Type: Lab
Competencies: HMTL, CSS, Javascript functions and DOM


Lets build a calculator


  • Build a calculator in your browser!

User Stories

User stories are a great way to break down what the different features of the website are, and how to structure it. They are generally written out in this form "A user should be able to...". Here are the user stories for our lab:

  1. A user should be able to select numbers so that they can do things with them.
  2. A user should be able to add numbers together.
  3. A user should be able to subtract numbers.
  4. A user should be able to divide numbers.
  5. A user should be able to multiply numbers together.
  6. A user should be able to see the output.

Hungry for more?

  1. A user should be able to clear all operations and start from 0.


Create a directory in your student lab folder called calculator and clone this repo into it

JS: Things to think about

  1. Think about how you are going to store the state of the calculator. What kind of information do you need to track?

  2. When the user clicks a button, how are you going to get which number or operation they clicked? When they click a certain button, what code are you going to have to run?

  3. Try not to use a separate event handler for each button (This is referred to as event delegation). With event.currentTarget you could use just one event handler for the numbers by grabbing the text from the clicked element.


  1. Add a clear button that will clear your screen and start over at zero.

  2. Wouldn't it be nice if the user could use their keyboard? How can you set even listners on a keyup or keydown?

  3. Once you have the basics of the calculator working, look back at your code. You want to make it DRY. Start to refactor your code to take out unneeded parts or implement something in a better way.

  4. What other operations can you add to the calculator? If you have time, implement them. If you don't have time, but have some ideas, add comments to your code about what you'd like to add. How might you implement them? Is your code friendly to adding in new operations if another developer came in to add something to your code?

  5. Can you save the results somewhere? Look into localStorage.