An app for users to quiz themselves on React, React-Router, and Redux all themed after wizarding tests in the Harry Potter universe called OWLs, Ordinary Wizarding Levels.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Memoize was a one week solo project during weeks 5 and 6 of Mod 2. The project was intended for the developer to solidify their use of React as well as composing a usable app out of React. This project was themed after Harry Potter and a type of test within the series called the O.W.L.s, or Ordinary Wizarding Levels.

Install / Setup

  • clone the repo down
  • run npm install
  • run npm start
  • open localhost:3000 (unless otherwise instructed by your terminal)
  • play the game!

Instructions: Answer the questions to the best of your abilities. All correct answers will earn your chosen house points, all incorrect answers will earn all other houses points. At the end of the game, you can choose to reload previously incorrect questions and try again.


  • Jest/Enzyme
  • React
  • Scss


Splash Screen


Popup Screen


Question Screen


Testing Percentages, 98.53% total testing coverage Screen-Shot-2019-04-17-at-8-26-40-AM.png

Learning Goals

The developer was to learn how to properly structure components, when to make a component stateful and when not, and how to test the components. The developer was to further work with Jest and Enzyme and cement their knowledge of the library and framework, the syntax involved, what to test, and how to test it.