Fully automatted Vagrant Ansible Oracle 19c build using NFSv4.1 and dNFS delivered from a ZFS Appliance VirtualBox VM
- VirtualBox
- ZFS Appliance VM Simulator
- Vagrant
For details on how to install and configure the ZFS Appliance for NFS and iSCSI block volumes read the following:
- ZFS Appliance VM Installation on VirtualBox https://ronekins.com/2021/02/02/getting-started-with-the-oracle-zfs-storage-appliance-simulator-on-virtualbox/
- Setting up NFSv4.1 and dNFS https://ronekins.com/2022/03/15/oracle-19c-database-nfsv4-1-oracle-direct-nfs-dnfs-and-the-oracle-zfs-storage-appliance-simulator/
- Setting up iSCSI block Luns https://ronekins.com/2022/03/30/how-to-configure-the-oracle-zfs-storage-appliance-vm-simulator-for-iscsi-block-storage/
Pull this repo
% git pull https://github.com/raekins/Vagrant-Oracle19-ZFSA.git
Download and copy oracle-database-ee-19c-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
into ../vagrant/software/
The Vagrant file pull the latest Oracle Linux box from https://yum.oracle.com/boxes/oraclelinux/latest/ol7-latest.box for example:
% vagrant box list
ol7-latest (virtualbox, 0)
To start Oracle Liunx 7.9 database Virtual Machine type:
$ vagrant up
To logon to the Virtual Machine
$ vagrant ssh
To delete and tidy up the Virtual Machine
$ vagrant destroy
default: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'default' VM? [y/N]
As the vagrant user sudo to root
or oracle
, for example
$ sudo su - oracle
The Ansible playbook creates a DBCA silent installation script, this can be run as-is or ammended as required.
There is also a DBCA silent delete script.
Ron Ekins, Principal Solutions Architect, Office of the CTO at Pure Storage
Oracle ACE Director