
Vagrant Oracle 19c build using the Oracle VirtualBox ZFS Appliance VM Simulator

Primary LanguageJinja

Vagrant Oracle 19c ZFS Appliance VM

Fully automatted Vagrant Ansible Oracle 19c build using NFSv4.1 and dNFS delivered from a ZFS Appliance VirtualBox VM


  • VirtualBox
  • ZFS Appliance VM Simulator
  • Vagrant

For details on how to install and configure the ZFS Appliance for NFS and iSCSI block volumes read the following:


Pull this repo

% git pull https://github.com/raekins/Vagrant-Oracle19-ZFSA.git

Download and copy oracle-database-ee-19c-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm into ../vagrant/software/

Vagarant Virtual Machine Usage

The Vagrant file pull the latest Oracle Linux box from https://yum.oracle.com/boxes/oraclelinux/latest/ol7-latest.box for example:

% vagrant box list
ol7-latest                (virtualbox, 0)

To start Oracle Liunx 7.9 database Virtual Machine type:

$ vagrant up

To logon to the Virtual Machine

$ vagrant ssh

To delete and tidy up the Virtual Machine

$ vagrant destroy
    default: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'default' VM? [y/N] 

Database Management

As the vagrant user sudo to root or oracle, for example

$ sudo su - oracle

The Ansible playbook creates a DBCA silent installation script, this can be run as-is or ammended as required.


There is also a DBCA silent delete script.



Ron Ekins, Principal Solutions Architect, Office of the CTO at Pure Storage

Oracle ACE Director
