
LEMP Stack for Wordpress based sites using bedrock.

Ansible - LEMP on Ubuntu

This ansible playbook will provision servers with a full LEMP stack
and more specifically to run PHP based apps.

Thre will be an optional extra soon to include;

  • Node
  • Mysql


Install stuff on your machine:

Install Ansible and some other requirements on your servers

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible python-apt aptitude -y

Generate SSH keys for ansible to use ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "example@example.com" -f ~/.ssh/id_testapp

Edit to match requirements group_vars/all/main.yml

Create a .vault_pass file in the root (store passwords in 1password also)

Copy vault.yml.default to vault.yml and fill out values

Encrypt vault.yml before committing this file to your repo otherwise you're basically giving everyone your passwords.

I recommend using the ansible-vault edit group_vars/all/vault.yml command. which will never un-encrypt your files

Fill out necessary hosts in the inventories/ dir

Provision and be happy

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook --key-file=~/.ssh/id_rsa -i inventories/webservers playbook.servers.yml

Ansible-Vault & Security

Sensitive files can be a pain but Ansible makes this a breeze.

Begin by copying the vault.example.yml template in group_vars/all/ to vault.yml.

Once you've done that, open it up and place all your sensitive information here passwords, API keys, tokens, etc.

Things to note:

  1. All variables must be prefixed with a vault_ prefix
  2. Files should not be committed to version control, they are highly sensitive and will give away sever login details
  3. You can add a further security measure for passwords here by creating a SHA512 (see below)
  4. in the root of the playbook you can create a .vault_pass (see below)
  5. You need to remember to encrypt the file using the ansible_vault command

Create SHA512

Sometimes even though the file will be encrytped you might want a further layer of security.

Visit the following link:

Vault Pass

The .vault_pass file is a quick way for you to edit the vault.yml without having to type the password each time you want to do so.

Create a .vault_pass file in the root of the playbook which is just one line containing the password, so if your password is password134 (never use password as your password) you would just simply put that.

Encrypting vault.yml

To encrypt the vault file, assuming you have a .vault_pass file is as simple as running the following command (from the root of your playbook). This will use the password in .vault_pass so you don't have to worry about it!

ansible_vault encrypt group_vars/all/vault.yml

This will encrypt the file and if you try to edit it, it will just appear to be jargon.

To edit the file you run

ansible_vault edit group_vars/all/vault/yml

A good habbit to get into is to not unencrypt the file as you may forget and leave this open for anyone to view/edit

Generate Your SSH keys

Next you need to generate SSH keys to place in your provision.yml file.

These will be used to connect to your server as the appuser/appadmin and allow the server to talk to github to pull down/interact with your repo.

You can use the below to generate your ssh keys

# Required for ansible to talk to login through SSH and run commands
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "example@example.com" -f ~/.ssh/id_testapp

Once you've done this place the raw public key file into the
group_vars/all/main.yml file and the easiest way to do this is
via piping to pbcopy.

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_testapp.pub | pbcopy

Test/Setup on VM

You can also provision a VM with Ansible if you need and this can be
done simply on vagrant up no hassle and using the Vagrantfile in
this repository.

You can use this as a development environment or to simply just
test your playbook.

vagrant up

Running The plays

cd ~/path/to/playbook-dir

# Install required galaxy roles
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

# Provision Servers
ansible-playbook --key-file=~/.ssh/id_rsa -i inventories/webservers playbook.servers.yml

# Limit hosts if you need
ansible-playbook --key-file=~/.ssh/id_rsa -i inventories/webservers playbook.servers.yml --limit=server_group