Conventions and Good Practices


  1. Variables should be always camel-cased (e.g.: someVariable)
  2. CSS module class names should be upper camel cases (e.g. SomeClass)
  3. Always use verb prefixed names for boolean variables (e.g.: isActive, hasError)
  4. function and methods variable naming should always reflect an action. Example:
    • correct: getUserInfos()
    • wrong: userInfos()
  5. Always use semanthic and meaningfull variable names
    • correct: const getUserFullName = (user) => user.fullName;
    • wrong: const ufn = (u) => u.fullName
  6. Be very specific on variable naming (e.g.: var user is expected to be an user object and userId to be an user id)
  7. Compound your component final render with small chunks of renders with render functions (e.g. “renderHeader”, “renderAvatar”, “renderRow”)
  8. Every helper, services and main components should be commented - if possible with usage examples.
  9. Use lint and prittier VSCode plugins


  1. In your task manager (e.g.: Jira), always move the issue to the Progress column when you start to work
  2. Initiate the activity with the command: git flow {TASK_TYPE} start {ISSUE_ID} (use the issue id for branch name - e.g.: PRJ-01). For TASK_TYPE, you might use the git flow task options “feature”, “bugfix” or “hotfix”
    • Command example: git flow feature start PRJ-01
    • Doing that, the branch name should be feature/VIR-01
  3. When working on the activity, use conventional commits for messages and try to split every commit in a way that each step of your activity will be very descriptive through your commits
  4. When finishing your activity, execute the command: git flow publish to push your branch
  5. On GitLab/Github, Make a MR/PR for your branch to the develop branch
    • Use the same title from your activity on your task manager (e.g. Jira)
    • Prefix the title with tags to give more context, being the first a reference of the TASK_TYPE from step 1, and others to give context of the task
      • example: [FEATURE][ADMIN] Create Admin Panel Layout
  6. Add a link for the related issue
    • example: Related issue:
  7. Add a label that describe the activity
  8. On the task manager Activity Issue, add a comment passing the MR link
    • example: MR: