This repository provides the implementation of an open set recognition method using vision transformer.
If you use our method, please cite our paper.
Open Set Recognition using Vision Transformer with an Additional Detection Head
Feiyang Cai, Zhenkai Zhang, Jie Liu, and Xenofon Koutsoukos
author = {Cai, Feiyang and Zhang, Zhenkai and Liu, Jie and Koutsoukos, Xenofon},
title = {Open Set Recognition using Vision Transformer with an Additional Detection Head},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.08441},
year = 2022,
This code repository includes the detailed instructions for reproducing experiments of MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR+N, TinyImageNet, and CUB reported in the paper.
This repository is still updating. We will provide our trained models in this repository later.
All our experiments are performed in an 80-core Ubuntu Linux virtual machine with 128GB RAM and 4 Tesla V100 GPUs.
Create an conda environment and install the dependencies
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the environment
conda activate osr
Download pretrained ViT-B/16 from this [link] and put it in the folder of "./pretrained_model/"
Download the TinyImageNet dataset from this [link] and extract it in the folder of "./data/"
The other datasets will be downloaded automatically if they are not existed in the "./data/" folder.
"scripts.txt" contains the complete scripts of training and evaluating for each experiment.Train only 1 random "known/unknown" split trial
python --exp-name osrclassifier --n-gpu 4 --tensorboard --image-size 224 --batch-size 256 --num-workers 16 --train-steps 4590 --lr 0.01 --wd 1e-5 --dataset <known_dataset> --num-classes <num_of_known_classes> --random-seed <random_seed> --checkpoint-path ./pretrained_model/imagenet21k+imagenet2012_ViT-B_16.pth
Train 5 random "known/unknown" split trials
python ./ --num-classes <num_of_known_classes> --checkpoint-path ./pretrained_model/imagenet21k+imagenet2012_ViT-B_16.pth --dataset <known_dataset>
where <known_dataset> can be MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, TinyImageNet, or CUB.
Train the detector using the trained model from training stage 1
python --exp-name osrdetector --n-gpu 4 --tensorboard --image-size 224 --batch-size 256 --num-workers 16 --train-steps 4590 --lr 0.01 --wd 1e-5 --dataset <known_dataset> --num-classes <num_of_known_classes> --checkpoint-path <trained_model> --random-seed <random_seed>
Train detectors by loading all the models whose settings match <num_of_known_classes> and <known_dataset> in "./experiments/" folder
python ./ --num-classes <num_of_known_classes> --dataset <known_dataset>
Evaluate the trained model
python ./ --exp-name osrdetector --in-dataset <known_dataset> --out-dataset <unknown_dataset> --in-num-classes <num_of_known_classes> --out-num-classes <num_of_unknown_classes>
We will provide our trained models in this repo later.