The Elf Shelf

The Elf Shelf is a resource one stop dhop for DMs and Players of D&D 5e.

Link to project:

How It's Made:

Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API

This site makes calls to the D&D 5e API to return the data searched for. Its a quick lookup site for player races, classes, backgrounds and on the DM side for monters and spells.


Currently, the site returns basic data, but I plan to make the following improvements:

  • Add in subclasses for classes and spells, lists of player languages, even more linked resources! (if you know of any more resources I could add, please email me!)

Lessons Learned:

I had to walk away from this project several times - it was really a lesson in managing my frustration and being kinder to myself when it wasn't working. All over a few spelling and syntax errors.


Take a look at these other examples that I have in my portfolio:

Federation Feild Guide To Aliens:

EA Internship - Vaxman Game:
