
This is a generated application from the appengine-skeleton archetype. Tips and tricks for deploying:

Deploy on AppEngine

Before updating appengine, make sure the project can be built: > mvn clean install

Update the backend on appengine with Maven. Open shell in project directory and type

mvn appengine:update


Even though maven states "Build Success" the update may not have been successful on appengine. Have a look at the logs of the backend and search it for any error logs, if you have a troublesome feeling that something could have went wrong. The logs can be accessed under -> Your application -> AppEngine -> Logs Errors could occur,for instance, when native types are returned by the API, which is not allowed! (native types are int, String,...)

Application ID

The application Id of the appengine the code is pushed to is defined in the appengine-web.xml. It has the following structure: > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appengine-web-app xmlns="">

%applicationIdPlaceholder% is for this project replaced by crowdappz-drop


Maybe you get following error: 404 Not Found This application does not exist (app_id=u'your-app-ID')
This error will occur if you have multiple Google accounts and are using the wrong account to perform the update. To solve this issue, change directories to ~, locate a file named .appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java, and rename it. Then try updating again.

After you have performed the Troubleshooting steps, type in again

mvn appengine:update

You will get prompeted for a code, simultaneously a browser tab will open, requesting you to log in. Choose the account you used to create the application on appengine. After the login process, a code is displayed in the browser. Copy and paste that code into your shell and press Enter. The app should be deployed successfully now.


Access the API of the backend by visiting:

In general, the API of the backend looks like this:

%endPointName% and %version% are defined in the Endpoint classes of this project.
%methodPlaceholder% is the name of the requested method by its name. Currently, the a link could look like this:

Via this link, the backend can be accessed as a REST service from everywhere.

Visit the following link for usage and cost statistics of the deployed backend:

If you want to access a non-default version of your app, modify the specific urls like this: