
a restaurant website made with yii2 micro framework and react (still in progress just the initialization of the repo

Restaurant build with react js and yii2 microframework

Currently I've just setup the repo and synchronize the back-end with the front end, my application is currently running on the port 3000

and my apes are running on port 80.

I'm aiming for a realization of a restaurant website with multiple functionality which are described below:

1 Management of user,client,foods,categories,food ordering.

2 Mangement of the warehouse of the restaurant with simple Bi for some report.

3 Authentification and notifcation system on the upcoming senarios ordering a plat ,creation of update of a food or a cateogy.

4 Notification when the warehouse is empty for a specific ingrediant .

5 Authorisation for getting money as ticket which will provide you with an authorisation to buy some ingrediant for the restaurant
