Catalog of maven archetypes to develop microservices simplifying their creation and preconfigured to integrate directly with the tools Zuul, Eureka, Spring Boot Admin, Swagger, Zipkin and Spring Cloud Config.
- JDK 8
- Maven 3
Two installation ways:
- Clone repository
git clone
After clone this project contain a shell script "" that run all the nexts steps, but its posible run it manually if you want one by one:
- In console go to each archetype path
cd microservices-maven-archetypes/[archetype-path]
- run next mvn install for each archetype
mvn install #for each archetype
- After install all archetypes update the catalog
mvn install archetype:update-local-catalog
mvn archetype:crawl
- Clone repository
git clone
- Install the archetypes in your maven repository
- This repository provide a catalog file, with it you can update your hosted catalog and then use it where you want.
- Spring Cloud Config Server
- Eureka
- Spring Boot Admin
- Zuul
- Swagger Catalog
- Zipkin
- Spring microservice
- Nodejs microservice
If all archetypes are installed, its posible use to create fast all environmet projects whit default value parameters and test it.
After the projects are ready its posible execute the script "" that launch each project.