
Analysis of Inflation all over the world in a Shiny app (under construction)

Primary LanguageR

Comparison of Inflation within US and internationally in a Shiny app (under construction)

  • Obtain data from OECD, World Bank, Eurostat or other source
  • Set up script to automate data collection every month or so (Git Hub Actions)
  • Create dashboard like the one here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/nir.smilga/viz/ConsumerConfidenceIndex/OECDCCI
  • Use Shiny to create a dashboard or simple Web app
  • Compare Inflation across multiple countries
  • Compare Total Inflation x Inflation on less volatile aspects (Non-food Non-Energy)
  • Compare inflation on a few US cities/regions


  • FRED: inflation on countries
  • IMF: inflation on countries
  • BLS: inflation on US cities

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