
Universal Stream Reader Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple stream consumer application

Simple Architecture

I know it's far from a standard architecture, but that can give a basic overview of how the application is implemented.


The IBufferPersistence has not yet been uploaded as it still not working as it should.



The Kafka consumer expects two parameter: host and topic. You can only add one topic per chart. It registers itself under a group id called mercury-consumer. A configuration example:

host=localhot:123 topic=123

Note that the configuration text area expects an entry per line! Later we can make it better.


This consumer expects four parameters:

  • connectionString
  • entityPath
  • storageConnectionString
  • storageContainer

Due to limitations from the default Microsoft Event Hub API, right now is only possible to get data from a stream associated with a storage service.

Example configuration:

entityPath=mercuryeventhub connectionString=Endpoint=sb://mercurystream.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=sJrVSX7D0jagH9vc21Eff0nimkYyimX5IvgYJC2LRCw= storageConnectionString=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=mercuryeventhubstorage;AccountKey=sg2vAYDmwIXmmYS9683jKtFFIGM5upBWzo9VxWuyUWa1ONyoa08NOmTQh2jL0y/mGGjN87Xjt37sKMdVZ1qj2g==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net storageContainer=mercuryeventhubstorage


This is a simple random generator. It push data at a rate of one random double per second. Data ranges from 0 to 1.

Known Issues

  • SQL Server buffer persistence has not been tested yet.
  • Write now saving view configuration while debugging write files to C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express. In the fure the path will be stored in a config files
  • The same happens to XML buffer persistence.