
1st project for SIRS course - MEIC-A

Primary LanguageJava

SIRS project - Ransomware Resistant Documents

1st project for SIRS course - MEIC-A, Group 39:

  • Afonso Paredes, ist189401
  • Mateus Monteiro, ist189506
  • Rafael Alexandre, ist189528



The requirements needed to run the program are:

  • Linux 64-bit (whichever distribution the user prefers, although we recommend Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS)
  • Java 15
  • Maven
  • MySQL
  • ZooKeeper name Server
  • zkNaming


In order to run the program, at least 3 terminal windows must be open:

  • 1 server
  • 1+ backup server(s)
  • 1 client

0. Installing and compiling project

  1. Have all the previous required tools/software installed and ready.

  2. Open zookeeper/bin folder and run the command ./zkServer.sh start to launch the ZooKeeper name server. If you wish to stop Zookeper name server, you can run ./zkServer.sh stop.

  3. Run mysql.server start. Then, create the database in which the data will be stored, running the command createdb <name-of-db> where <name-of-db> is the desired name for the databse. Afterwards, Open <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/src/assets/sql_scripts> and run mysql <name-of-db> -p < init.sql to initialize the databse.

  4. Open <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/run_scripts and run script init.sh to install and compile the whole project.

1. Server initialization

On <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware, run

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="server.Server" -Dexec.args="<dbUser> <dbPass> <zooPort> <zooHost> <serverPort> <serverHost>" 
  • dbUser: created user for using the MySQL database
  • dbPass: password for created user in MySQL
  • zooPort: zookeeper(port)
  • zooHost: zookeeper(host)
  • serverPort: server(port)
  • serverHost: server(host)

Alternatively, open <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/run_scripts and run script server.sh to run the server program.

For this program, it is required to enter the passwords of the key stores that store all the keys/certificates used during communication. For every one of those stores, the password is set by default to 123456. However, we strongly recommend that the user changes that password to a stronger one, which can be done by issuing the command keytool -storepasswd -keystore <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/src/assets/keyStores<path-to-key-store>.

2. Backup Server initialization

On <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware, run

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="server.BackupServer" -Dexec.args="<partitionID> <serverID> <zooPort> <zooHost> <backupServerPort> <backupServerHost>" 
  • partitionID: Id of the partition(integer)
  • serverID: Id of the server(integer)
  • zooPort: zookeeper(port)
  • zooHost: zookeeper(host)
  • backupServerPort: backupServer(port)
  • backupServerHost: backupServer(host)

Alternatively, open <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/run_scripts and run script backup.sh to run the backup server program.

For this program, it is required to enter the passwords of the key stores that store all the keys/certificates used during communication. For every one of those stores, the password is set by default to 123456. However, we strongly recommend that the user changes that password to a stronger one, which can be done by issuing the command keytool -storepasswd -keystore <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/src/assets/keyStores<path-to-key-store>.

3. Client Initialization

On <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware, run

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="client.Client" -Dexec.args="<zooPort> <zooHost>" 
  • zooPort: zookeeper(port)
  • zooHost: zookeeper(host)

Alternatively, open <root-project-directory>/SirsRansomware/run_scripts and run script client.sh to run the client program.