Simulation of the propagation of incoherent light, aiming to illustrate the concept of spatial coherence.
- amshenoy1United Kingdom
- AntonVopilov
- arnavn101NJ
- bebissig
- BennyGodwinM
- BirMaGermany
- calvinyong
- cbuhlAalborg University
- chincherpa
- ctesta01Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- fabforsChalmers University of Technology
- glociks
- harveysanders@OperationSpark
- kasperhjDenmark
- kevinsmia1939Thailand
- kgizdov
- kk-Chiron
- magnusjwatson2786
- marcatriles
- marcomusyEMBL
- marethyuUBC
- mskimS2Seoul, South Korea
- muzykantovMilky Way galaxy / Solar system / Planet Earth
- ndoxx
- nicscott9
- rafacmVienna, Austria
- randomwangran
- smgillUnited States of America
- SN33DS
- srishtidoiIndian Institute of Science Education and Research
- szczynkJakarta
- vehagn@edgeworks-as
- veiakas
- xuchuang7916
- youchang-z
- zacharyweissReMo Energy, Inc.