
Primary LanguageSwift


This project is a challenge-project that helped me to validate skills learning after some planned study in the iOS mobile platform with Swift. The project is part of the Loft company's iOS challenge and was being assessed by its engineers.

The app is a catalogue of dogs and its breeds. It consumes the open Dog Ceo API available on https://dog.ceo/dog-api/.

dogedex demo

I'm starting my journey with Swift and the iOS native development, so if I made some mistake in the implementation I'll appreciate some help in improving it 🤗 thx.

About the implementation

The project is a simple iOS app that supports iOS 14.5 or newer. It is oriented by the MVVM-C architecture pattern and uses view as code. The project depends on Alamofire and AlamofireImage packages to consume remote data and uses the Cocoapods as its dependency manager.

Running the project

To run the project, clone the repo and import the code in your XCode. Build and Run inside of it. Unfortunately, no build automation is available yet. In the next steps of the study plan, we will cover this part and update this project. I promise!