Google Cloud Run + NestJS + MongoDB + Keycloak + MySql


This repository implements an authentication service that can be used on any system. Keycloak was used for user authentication and authorization.MySql was chosen as the database for our Keycloak. Our NestJs API serves as an interface to facilitate authentication and other keycloak processes. In addition to implementing with Mongo and other technologies, simple and easy management of authentication, session and password recovery.

Setting the local environment

For this project to run locally, it will be necessary to use a system that has the programs below installed.

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • NPM

With all the above requirements fulfilled, start the containerized development environment.

npm run start:env

In it you will find all the necessary tools for the development of the application, an instance of Mongo will be raised and in addition the Keycloak with MySql will be raised as well. To facilitate the process, in this repository keycloak, mysql and mongoDb are already populated with initial data.

The first time the project is run, use the command below to install the project's dependencies.

npm install

To run in development mode.

npm run start:dev

After this step, carry out the project build process.

npm run build

For other functionality, see the package.json file.

Remembering that this project is not 100% configured for a cloud environment. For local environment only.