My Emacs Config

If you’re new here, start in init.el.

Modules will be progressively loaded from there. There’s two kinds of ways I load things.

  • From a top level *.org file
  • From a tiny lisp module in the lisp/* subfolder.

Why do I do it two ways? Because in the past, I only used to do the first way. However, it became confusing to manage dependencies, and my org config blocks had to be in a certain order in order for my config to work. That was stupid, so I pulled out all of the heavy dependency related stuff into lisp modules. This made things easier, so when I #’require a top level module, it will #’require everything else that it needs. Goodbye dependency nightmares!

Loading an org file

Loading an org file will look something like this:

 (expand-file-name ""

If you want to know what this loads, then dive in to! (Hint, it probably loads stuff related to org)

Loading a module from lisp folder

If you see something along the lines of:

(require 'emacs-custom-load-or-ask)

This could just be just a 3rd party emacs-lisp package. However, I’ve tried to stick with use-package for things I have to download from melpa/elpa/etc., so most of the requires will be for stuff locally on my system that I wrote. Look for something in the lisp/ subfolder that matches the name of the module, and you’ll find what’s being loaded. Most likely.


Feel free to shoot me an email. Maybe include in the subject line something about emacs config blah blah blah.