
blackCalculator is a jQuery plugin for create a calculator. It supports CSS customization, easy translation, two options of calculators, cross-browser, allow and disallow keyboard!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

blackCalculator 1.0.1

blackCalculator is a jQuery plugin for create a calculator. It supports CSS customization, easy translation, two options of calculators, cross-browser, allow and disallow keyboard!


First, include all the dependencies in your head tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.blackcalculator-1.0.1.min.js"></script>

Make sure that: black_calculator.css, black_calculator_ie.css and PIE.htc are inside the folder "css/" (you can change the folder with the parameter called "css")

Now we call the method "blackCalculator" on an empty DIV, with only one line will be running your calculator:

<div class="calculator"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

Example call by changing the parameters:

<div class="calculator"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
   var langs = {value: 'Valor', clear: 'Limpar', backspace: 'Voltar'};
   $('.calculator').blackCalculator({type:'advanced', allowKeyboard:true, css:'styles/', language:langs});


Now know all the parameters to use blackCalculator:

Name Type Default Description
type String 'simple' It is a string representing the version of the calculator that the plugin should display: simple or advanced. Possible values ​​are "simple" and "advanced".
allowKeyboard Boolean false Specifies whether the plugin should let the user "type" (the plugin validates entries) in the calculator or just allows it to click the buttons on the calculator.
cssManual Boolean false Specifies whether the plug-in must put the files automatically or not, and allows files ".css" and ".htc" are placed manually.
css String 'css/' If the files ".css" and ".htc" are placed automatically by the plugin, this parameter defines the folder where the plugin will scan the files.
language Object {value: 'Value', backspace: 'Backspace', clear: 'Clear', error: 'Error message' } To set a few words of the calculator plugin search this object.


Folders: example_1 and example_2


blackCalculator 1.0.1 - Enter comma from a keyboard. Custom error messages (issue #2) - Thanks a lot Svechnikov (Sergey) for that code!

blackCalculator 1.0 - Press enter action (issue #1)


© Copyright 2012 Rafael Carvalho Oliveira - http://www.blackhauz.com.br/

Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses


Credits to PHPJS project! Two functions have helped my development:



Credits to CSS3 PIE project: http://css3pie.com/