The docker image pre-setup with git, maven and gpg and a script to trigger a release by a bot
Script name:
The script is expecting some environment variables:
GPG_ENABLED: enable GPG signing
GPG_KEY: GPG private key base64 encoded.
MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO_PATH: The maven local repository path
MAVEN_REPO_SERVER_ID: Maven server repository id to push the artefacts to
MAVEN_REPO_SERVER_USERNAME: Maven server repository username
MAVEN_REPO_SERVER_PASSWORD: Maven server repository password
MAVEN_ARGS: The maven arguments for the release
GIT_RELEASE_BOT_NAME: The git user name for commiting the release
GIT_RELEASE_BOT_EMAIL: The git user email for commiting the release
GITREPO_ACCESS_TOKEN: GIT repo access token to push release commits
CI_COMMIT_SHA: The commit SHA that triggered the workflow.
CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME: The branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow.