Introduction ============ ``rbco.rename`` provides a set of Python scripts to rename files in batch. Install ======= 1. Install setuptools_. 2. Run:: easy_install rbco.rename This will install the renaming scripts mentioned in the following section. Usage ===== - rendel STR FILES Deletes the string STR from the names of all files in FILES. - rendeln N FILES Deletes the N first characters from the names of all files in FILES. - renlu FILES Renames all files in FILES performing the following operations: - replaces ' ' by '_'; - replaces ' - ' and '- ' by '-'; - lowercase the names; - remove leading and trailing spaces. - renmp3 FILES Renames all files in FILES performing the following operations: - replaces all accentuated characters by their ASCII counterparts. - replaces '_' by ' '; - replaces ' - ' and '- ' by '-'; - titlecase the names; - lowcase file extension; - remove leading and trailing spaces; - replace ' ' by '-' after the track number, if needed; - makes track numbers have always 2 digits. - renid3 FILES USAGE: renid3 FILES Rename all FILES based on the ID3 tags and the FORMAT. Example of FORMAT: '%(tracknumber)s-%(artist)s-%(title)s.mp3'. Other tags can be specified: date, author, composer, performer, discnumber, album, etc. FORMAT is retrieved from the RBCO_RENAME_ID3_FORMAT environment variable. If there's no such variable then a default format is used. - renpre PREFFIX FILES Renames all files in FILES adding PREFFIX in the beggining of the file name. - renrep OLDSTR NEWSTR FILES Renames all files in FILES replacing OLDSTR by NEWSTR. - rensuf SUFFIX FILES Renames all files in FILES adding SUFFIX in the end of the file name. File extension is preserved. - unhide FILES Unhides all hidden files in FILES. - renremoveacc FILES Rename the FILES by replacing all accentuated characters by their ASCII counterparts. .. References ========== .. _setuptools: