
A set of Python scripts to rename files in batch.

Primary LanguagePython


``rbco.rename`` provides a set of Python scripts to rename files in batch.


1. Install setuptools_.
2. Run:: 

       easy_install rbco.rename

This will install the renaming scripts mentioned in the following section.


- rendel STR FILES
  Deletes the string STR from the names of all files in FILES.
- rendeln N FILES

  Deletes the N first characters from the names of all files in FILES.
- renlu FILES
  Renames all files in FILES performing the following operations:
    - replaces ' ' by '_';
    - replaces ' - ' and '- ' by '-';
    - lowercase the names;
    - remove leading and trailing spaces.
- renmp3 FILES
  Renames all files in FILES performing the following operations:
    - replaces all accentuated characters by their ASCII counterparts.
    - replaces '_' by ' ';
    - replaces ' - ' and '- ' by '-';
    - titlecase the names;
    - lowcase file extension;
    - remove leading and trailing spaces;
    - replace ' ' by '-' after the track number, if needed;
    - makes track numbers have always 2 digits.

- renid3 FILES

  USAGE: renid3 FILES

  Rename all FILES based on the ID3 tags and the FORMAT. Example of FORMAT:
  '%(tracknumber)s-%(artist)s-%(title)s.mp3'. Other tags can be specified: date, author,
  composer, performer, discnumber, album, etc.

  FORMAT is retrieved from the RBCO_RENAME_ID3_FORMAT environment 
  variable. If there's no such variable then a default format is used.        
  Renames all files in FILES adding PREFFIX in the beggining of the file name.
  Renames all files in FILES replacing OLDSTR by NEWSTR.
  Renames all files in FILES adding SUFFIX in the end of the file name. File 
  extension is preserved.
- unhide FILES
  Unhides all hidden files in FILES.
- renremoveacc FILES
  Rename the FILES by replacing all accentuated characters by their ASCII counterparts.

.. References
.. _setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools