- A simple project that a shop would be able to register its seller
- Enabling the company to:
- Register Sales
- Control sale commission
- Send details about the sales to the seller by email
$ git clone https://github.com/rafaelbreno/seller-controller-test
$ cd seller-controller-test
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
- Configure .env.example file
- I used Mailtrap.io to mock email
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate
- You can run it in 3 different ways
- Shell Script
$ ./start.sh
- This will start a Laravel Docker based application automatically
- There are more info about the file, in the file, all commented
- Docker
$ chmod -R 777 storage/ storage/*
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate:fresh
- Common way
$ php artisan migrate:fresh
- After that you can access the app in the following url:
$ php artisan test
- It will run some tests
- All stored at: 'tests/feature/UserTest.php'
$ php artisan db:seed
- To fill the database with dummy data
- Application:
- Develop a Sales and Sellers API, to calculate the Seller's commission of each sale
- Commission of 8.5%
Register new Seller
- Method: POST
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "name": "string, not unique", "email": "string, unique" }
- Response Body:
{ "id": "string, uuid", "name": "string, not unique", "email": "string, unique" }
List all Sellers
- View:
- Method: GET
- URL:
- Returns Blade View
- API:
- Method: GET
- URL:
- Request Body:
- Response Body:
{ "id": "string, uuid", "name": "string, not unique", "email": "string, unique", "commission": "integer" }
- View:
Register new Sell
- Method: POST
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "seller_id": "uuid", "sale_value": "integer" }
- Response Body:
{ "id": "string, uuid", "name": "string, not unique", "email": "string, unique", "commission": "integer", "sale_value": "integer", "created_at": "datetime" }
List all Sellers Sale
- Method: GET
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "id": "string, uuid" }
- Response Body:
{ "id": "string, uuid", "name": "string, not unique", "email": "string, unique", "commission": "integer", "sale_value": "integer", "created_at": "datetime" }
- At the end of the day, an email should be sent with a sale report of that day
- Create an Application that consumes this API