rafxarBot is an open source Discord bot made with Python using Discord.py, Pymongo and AsyncPraw. Under constant development! (I hope) Originally made to learn about Javascript, MongoDB and Nodejs.
The bot currently only works in Spanish, since it's my mother language. If the use case occurs then I would translate it.
All commands work with the prefix ">" and there are two types of commands: Course-related and Subreddits-related.
help | ayuda: To get bot help information.
comandos: To get a list of available commands.
caratula: To generate a work cover for uni work.
- inscribirme: To be able to enroll in a course (this means you get the role of said course so that you can receiv reminders).
- nuevo curso: To create a course that reminders will be sent of.
- fijar canal: To set the channel reminders will be sent to.
que sr: List all subreddits the server receives posts of .
nuevo sr: Adds a subreddit to the list the current server is sent new posts of.
fijar_sr: To set the channel new posts from subreddits are sent to.
borrar sr: To delete a subreddit from the list the server currently receives new posts from.
Simply do a pull request, I've never managed a project and if you're interested in the project I'll be glad.
A discord bot key, a mongodb database and a reddit api key if you want to test full functionality.
Discord bot key to even start the bot which you can get here.
mongodb to save reminders, channel that reminders will be sent, subreddit notifications and channel that these notifications will be sent to, you can install it here or you can host it using a service like atlas.
Reddit api key to simply scrap last post from the selected subreddit, since it uses snoowrap, there's aditional steps to follow here.
This project runs on Python, install the requirements to run it:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add delete command for courses.
- Validation and error handling for commands, I haven't really implemented those. At least I need to describe them oh god.
- Reset courses when a semester (or academical period is over)
- Add readme to old source code
There isn't any... I don't even know how that works... yet. Also I don't think there's any valuable code here either.