Mosquito test runner (WIP)

The simplest, smallest test runner I could thought about building.


  • Python 3.10.7

How to run it

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a test_cases.txt in the root
  3. Run the command below
    $ python
  4. See the output results in the terminal


  • [ ✔️ ] Read test cases from txt file
  • [ ✔️ ] Run validations for results and exceptions
  • [ ✔️ ] Write results in a txt file
  • [ ✔️ ] Support multiple test using a folder for tests, where test cases, solutions and results are placed together
  • [ ✔️ ] Improve results file structure
  • [ ✔️ ] Write context for failed tests in results file
  • [ ✖️ ] Generator of test folders