

This project implements a port scanning fuzzer utilizing SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) vulnerabilities. It's designed to probe internal server ports of a web application's hosting environment, thereby helping to identify improperly exposed services and other potential vulnerabilities linked to internal network configurations.

How It Works

The fuzzer makes POST requests to a specified URL with payloads that attempt to access internal services through specific ports on the target host. The code supports concurrent execution of multiple requests to enhance scanning efficiency, using a configurable thread system.


  • Scans ports from 21 to 65535 (range can be changed)
  • Utilizes SSRF to test the accessibility of internal ports.
  • Concurrent request execution using goroutines.
  • Configurable number of threads to control concurrency.
  • Response status detection to identify accessible ports.


To use this script, you need to have Go installed on your system. Follow the instructions below to set up and run the fuzzer.

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
  1. Set the thread number and modify the request accordingly to your SSRF vuln payload structure
  2. Compile the Code
go build ssrfuzzer.go
  1. Run it