This is a small Google Chrome extension that allows you to add words or expressions to a list to be later, automatically, highlighted as you browse the Web.
- Install the extension
- Highlight the word or expression that you want to add
- Click the icon
- Click the trash icon next to the word or expression you want to remove
- Refresh the page
- How many words or expressions can I add?
- That's really a good question. I haven't tested it so if you find out please poke me.
- Can I change the color of the highlight?
- Yes. Yes you can.
- Can I add a color for each word?
- Not at the moment. Perhaps on the future.
- How can I help this project?
- You can fork this repo, apply your changes and then open a pull request
- Google - the extension works the first time you visit but if you change your search term or switch pages it no longer works.
- Extension popup - once you open the popup you have to click anywhere on the window to fill the color you previously selected on the color picker.
- Freepik for the beautiful icon
Made with ❤️ in Portugal
Software livre c*ralho! ✌️