
Account operation authorizer service


The application was written in C# and .NET Core.

How to run it

Just run dotnet run inside Authorizer folder

To run in a similar mode like in the spec document just run dotnet run and the application will show the character >. That's indicator means the application started.

Write the operation e.g:

> --operation account --input {"activeCard": true, "limit": 100 } > --operation transaction --input {"merchant": "Nubank", "amount": 60, "time": "2020-10-19T01:09:59.656Z"}

How to run the tests

From the Authorizer.Tests directory, run dotnet test. It runs all the test cases.

How to run using docker

From the project directory, run docker build -t authorize:latest .

After the docker build finish, you can run docker run -it authorize:latest and it will immediately start reading stdin

There's More - API Project

In addition, I created an API project that's use that same specification. To run, go to Authorizer.API folder, in a prompt, write dotnet run open your favorite's browser and type https://localhost:5001/swagger

Have fun =]

About some Design Decisions

Setup for Account

The specs do not mention a violation rule for when there's no Account already (in case a transaction is attempt before Account Creation).

So I decided to create a violation rule called account-not-initialized


For the sake of simplicity I choosing a single service, responsible for both account state and authorization rules.

Domain Driven Design

I'm using Domain Driven Design to validate the state of domain and all business logic is in the account class.