Challenge—8 languages in 5 days (Go Code)

This project is a challenge that I set for myself, during my vacation period. The idea was to develop the same small project: a simple calculator that asks for the user for two numbers and one character (a math operator), then performs the operation using the user's input.

First day (03/04) - GO and RUST

For the first day, I tried two languages for the first time: GO and RUST. GO was relatively easy, but RUST presented a bit of a challenge. I finished the GO code in the same day and RUST code on 03/06.

GO code can be accessed by clicking here.

RUST code can be accessed by clicking here.

Second day (03/05) - Java

On the second day, I started coding with Java. Creating this simple code was easy, but after I finished it, I keep studying Java and tried for the first time use Spring Framework.

Java code can be access clicking here.

Third day (03/06) - Python

On the third day, I started coding with Python, it was easy because I already had an experience with that programming language. So, before I ended, I start to study Django, a web framework for python.

Python code can be access clicking here.

Fourth day (03/07) - C# and Shell Script

On the fourth day, I stated coding with C# and then moved to Shell Script. Writing in C# was my first experience with an “independent” code, without a teacher or a step-by-step course guiding me. About Shell Script, it isn't the first time I used. But it was a bit more complex then the order small code that was usual to me to write, for first time I used functions and case in a Shell Script code.

C# code can be access clicking here.

Shell Script code can be access clicking here.

Fifth day (03/08) - C++ and C

On the fifth day, I coded with C++ and C, it was my second time tring C++ but first time tring C. Both languages share the same concepts, so it wasn't difficult to write both codes.

C++ code can be access clicking here.

C code can be access clicking here.

How to execute this GO code

My enviroment was Ubuntu Mate 22.04, so I installed GO through apt:

apt-get install golang-go

Then go to folder where the code is and run:

go run calculator.go