
This plugins emits a file named [assetName].hash containing assets hash.

Currently it looks for the query parameter v in the asset name.


yarn add -D webpack-hash-file-plugin

const WebpackHashFilePlugin = require('webpack-hash-file-plugin');

module.exports {
    output: {
        filename: '[name].js?v=[hash]',
        chunkFilename: '[id].js?v=[contenthash]',
    plugins: [
        new WebpackHashFilePlugin()

Example output files:

  • myEntry.js
  • myEntry.js.hash
  • otherEntry.js
  • otherEntry.js.hash
  • otherEntry.css
  • otherEntry.css.hash


Name Description Default
paramName Parameter containing tha hash v
hashFileExtension Extension of the generated hash file hash
extractHashFromAssetName(assetName, options) Function to extract the hash from asset name -