
Customized VMs using Vagrant

Primary LanguageRuby

Awesome Vagrant Directory


In your Linux Host OS, make sure you have installed:

  • vagrant
  • virtualbox (and properly loaded)

unload kvm (and kvm_intel or kvm_amd) modules first. load vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp and vboxdrv modules.

Shared Folders

  • Common home files (bashrc, vimrc, id_rsa.*) are synced automatically.
  • A default $HOME/work folder is automatically shared if it exists.

Use it

Simply go to directory you want and provision it:

cd ./vms/jammy
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy

And have fun.

Customize It

  1. First case: Edit files inside ./vagrant directory (specially distro.rb files).
  2. Or create new files with your needs and link them to new vms/ sub-directories.


Feel free to open PRs submitting new generic usage files or functions.