A list of useful resources of various disciplines of User Experience, Design and Front-end.
- Adaptative Path
- 52 Weeks of UX
- UX Magazine
- Contents Magazine
- The User Experience Iceberg
- The Hipper Element
- UX Crash Course
- Prototyping Tools - Compare tools
- Axure RP
- Atomic
- Craft
- Marvel
- Framer
- Pixate
- Form
- Flinto
- Origami
- Principle
- XMind
- User Experience Stack Exchange
- UX Community on Slack
- IXDA - Interaction Design Association
- IxD Awards
- Material Pallete
- Material Design Colors
- Random Material Generator
- Material Design Pallete Generator
- Material Mixer
- Material Colos
- MaterialUp’s Material Design Colors
- Tint UI
- Color Hunt
- Flat UI Color picker
- Magic Mirror
- TinyPNG
- Adobe Photoshop Cheat Sheet
- Sketch Cheat Sheet
- Sketch Shortcuts
- Sketch App Resources
- Cheetyr
- OOCSS - Object-Oriented CSS
- SMACSS - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
- Atomic Design
- BEM - Block, Element, Modifier
- CSS Tricks
- CSS Cheat Sheet
- CSS3 Cheat Sheet
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
- What The FlexBox?!
- The Elements of HTML
- Build and Share Web Components
- Html5 Cheat Sheet
- Html5 Visual Cheat Sheet
- Html5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
- [WebComponents.org] (http://webcomponents.org/)
- X-Tag
- Custom Elements