Starter project for the Udacity VR Developer Nanodegree program.
- Course: VR Software Development
- Project: A Maze
- Description: A maze build on walls... and trees
- Scene used: main.scene
- Unity Version: Unity LTS Release 2017.4.4f1
- GVR SDK for Unity v1.100.1
- Compatible with iOS and Android
- Added initial signpost with UI
- Added Luminari Regular font text to add more consistency to the labyrinth design. Luminari font author: Philip Bouwsma
- Added 7 hidden coins
- Added a score based on quantity of collected coins
- Added a soil texture under the central tree mini maze
- Added a commentary phrase panel at final signpost with seven differente messagens, each one depending on the number of collected coins
- Changed the door locked audio to a tone sample (The original locked door audio file has a low volume).
- Audio ambience: North Wood Forest in Late Winter, afternoon, cloudy, cold air rumble, some wind rustle in frozen trees, crows calls, birds tweets and chirps, wildlife includes: American Crows, Common Raven, Black-Capped Chickadee - Author: Articulated - Standard Licence
- Tone sound for locked door: A Tone - Author: His Self - Public Domain