
Structured logging library with simple API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

 __        ______     _______   _______
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Package logg is merely a wrapper around github.com/rs/zerolog. The primary goal is to abstract structured logging for an application while providing a simpler API. It's rather opinionated, and offers a limited feature set.

The feature set is:

  • provide timestamps
  • unique event ids
  • leveled logging (just error and info)
  • emit JSON


Call the Configure function as early as possible in your application. This initializes a "root" logger, which functions like a prototype for all subsequent events. Things initialized are the output sinks and an optional "version" field. The "version" is just some application versioning metadata, which may be useful if you want to know something about your application's source code.

Use the Errorf, Infof functions to log at error, info levels respectively. To add more event-specific fields to a logging entry, call New and then call one of the Emitter methods. Use the Emitter.WithID method if you need a unique tracing ID.

See more in the godoc examples.

Event shape

These top-level fields are always present:

  • level: string, either "info", "error"
  • time: string, an rfc3339 timestamp of emission in system's timezone.
  • message: string, what happened

These top-level fields may or may not be present, depending on configuration and how the event is emitted:

  • error: string, an error message. only when the event is emitted with an Error level.
  • version: map[string]string, optional versioning metadata from your application. will only be present when this data is passed in to the Configure function.

Example events

Info level

    "alfa": "anything",
    "bravo": {
      "bool": true,
      "duration": 1234,
      "float": 1.23,
      "int": 10,
      "string": "nevada"

Error level

  "error":"pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"unique_index_on_foos_bar_id\"",
  "message":"database library error",
    "message":"duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"unique_index_on_foos_bar_id\"",

Versioning metadata can be added with the Configure function, which must be invoked before the first invocation of any library function.

    "alfa": "anything",
    "bravo": {
      "bool": true,
      "duration": 1234,
      "float": 1.23,
      "int": 10,
      "string": "nevada"