
wrapped restic

Primary LanguageGoISC LicenseISC



This is a thin wrapper around restic.

It's a CLI tool and configuration file, meant to help you:

  • keep track of what to backup (sources) and paths to backup repositories (destinations) so they're easier to associate to one another.
  • generate command line arguments and flags to pass to restic.

Some design intentions around wrestic:

  • Let the configuration drive, but make it easy to override at runtime.
  • Dry runs by default, print the generated restic flags to stderr.
  • Don't do things a whole lot differently than what the real restic does.

This tool is certainly influenced by other restic configuration tools, such as:

but it differs in some ways:

  • Specialized support for building the restic flag, password-command.
  • The only supported configuration file format is TOML. JSON is horrible for configuration (where the comments at?), INI does not seem to have consistent support for collection types, YAML gets too complicated. TOML, while not perfect, provides a good mix of simplicity, support for collection data structures, and comments. Support of only 1 configuration file format is driven by:
    • distaste for configuration files
    • simplification of configuration merge logic


Run wrestic config init to set up a directory structure on the host so this tool can look up any configuration or data as needed. By default, the config directory path depends on the host system. Run wrestic config to see that default directory. Subcommands that require a configuration file may override the configuration directory with the -C flag.

Invoke a restic subcommand with wrestic exec <subcommand>, where <subcommand> is the name of a restic subcommand. CLI flag values are generated by reading the configuration file. Default configuration may be specified at multiple levels, and is merged together at runtime (more on this below). The merged, generated flags are output to STDERR as a shell comment. This is intended to make it easy to use restic directly.

Running wrestic exec <subcommand> may also operate on multiple restic repositories in sequence. Filter which restic repositories are operated upon with the -storenames, -destnames flags.

Another way to see merged configuration values is with wrestic config show. This subcommand also takes the -storenames, -destnames flags to filter which restic repositories are read and merged.


A TOML-formatted file, wrestic.toml, defines default configuration values, source paths to backup and locations of backup repositories. See an example wrestic.toml.

Config file entities


There may be these top-level keys: defaults, datastores. Each has their own structure. The defaults key may also appear under a datastore and/or a destination in order to guide configuration merges.

title: wrestic config file entities

  %% top-level keys in config file
  defaults    ||..|{ Defaults :  ""
  datastores  ||--|{ Datastore : ""

  Defaults ||--o| PasswordConfig : ""
  Defaults ||--o| ResticDefaults : ""

  Datastore ||..o| Defaults :     "is configured by"
  Datastore ||--o{ Source :       ""
  Datastore ||--o{ Destination :  ""

  Destination ||..o| Defaults : "is configured by"

  Defaults {
    table restic          "config values for restic subcomands"
    table password-config "specialized config for flag --password-command"

  PasswordConfig {
    string      template  "optional"
    stringList  args      "list of arguments for password-command"

  ResticDefaults {
    table global    "optional config for globally-shared restic flags"
    table backup    "optional config for restic subcmd"
    table check     "..."
    table ls        "..."
    table snapshots "..."
    table stats     "..."

  Datastore {
    table     defaults      "optional config values"
    tableList sources       "list of sources to backup"
    map       destinations  "key=destination_name; value=destination"

  Source {
    string path "file or directory to backup"

  Destination {
    table   defaults  "optional config values"
    string  path      "restic repository path"
  • defaults: Any default configuration values for restic.
    • password-config: A specialized configuration type to manage the password-command flag for restic subcommands.
    • restic: Contains general configuration values for restic subcommands.
  • datastores: Maps the names of datastores to datastores. So, the key of the map is a datastore name, and the value is the datastore.
    • <name_of_datastore>
      • defaults: These are default configuration values that only apply to destinations underneath the datastore. Specified values override those of the top-level defaults and unspecified values are merged in from the top-level defaults.
      • sources: List of things to backup to a restic repository.
      • destinations: Map names of destinations to destinations. A destination is a restic repository.
        • <name_of_destination>
          • defaults: These are default configuration values that only apply to a destination under a specific datastore. Specified values override those of the datastore's defaults and unspecified values are merged in from the datastore defaults.


These are configuration values, and may appear:

  1. at the top-level of the configuration file ([defaults])
  2. at the datastore level ([datastores.<storename>.defaults])
  3. at the destination level ([datastores.<storename>.destinations.<destname>.defaults])

When invoking a restic subcommand through wrestic exec, configuration values from the top level are merged into the datastore defaults. Then datastore defaults are merged into the destination defaults. The merged configuration values on the destination are converted into restic command line flags.


Key values underneath a [defaults.restic] key in the config file are designed to correspond directly to a flag that the real restic uses. Flags that are made available for any restic subcommand may be defined under the global key, because they appear as "Global Flags" in restic's usage menu.

When the restic flag may be specified multiple times, then it is an array in the config file. One exception to this is the restic flag, --verbose. To specify verbosity, use a number.

Restic examples
verbose = 2

dry-run = true
iexclude = ['*.DS_Store*', '._*', '*.sw']

long = true
tag = ['foo', 'bar']

group-by = ['host', 'paths']
latest = 3


Construct the password-command flag in restic. In the config file, it appears under [defaults.password-config].

Use template, and args fields to prepare a password command. Interpretation of the template field is implemented by package text/template from the golang standard library. Placeholders may be marked with {{ and }}. Values from the args field may be referenced by placeholders in the template string.

PasswordConfig template functions

filename: takes a filepath (type string), returns a filepath (type string). If the input is a relative filepath, then the output will be prefixed with a configuration directory, and then cleaned up (like, removing unnecessary ..). If the input is an absolute filepath, then the output is just cleaned up input.

filenameArg: takes an index (type int), returns a filepath (type string). The input index should be the index of the args field. Other than that, it behaves in the same way as the filename template function. This template function may be helpful if your restic repositories have different passwords from each other.

PasswordConfig examples

Let's say you have already encrypted your restic password in a file, but the decryption tool does not impose a particular directory structure. You could store the encrypted files in the wrestic config dir (created via subcommand wrestic config init), and reference those files under the password-config key. These examples use age.

Example with filename
template = 'age -d -i {{ filename "age_id" }} {{ filename "password.age" }}'

If the config directory is /path/to/config, then the generated output would be

--password-comand='age -d -i /path/to/config/age_id /path/to/config/password.age'
Example with filenameArg

This example references two separate file paths in args, which are written as relative to a config directory.

template = 'age -d -i {{ filenameArg 0 }} {{ filenameArg 1 }}'
args = ['age_id', 'password.age']

If the config directory is /path/to/config, then the generated output would be

--password-comand='age -d -i /path/to/config/age_id /path/to/config/password.age'
Example with both, env vars

Environment variables should work with filename placeholders

template = 'age -d -i {{ filename "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/secrets/id" }} {{ filenameArg 0 }}'
args = ['$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/secrets/restic.age']

If XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/username/.config, then the generated output would be

--password-comand='age -d -i /home/username/.config/secrets/id /home/username/.config/secrets/restic.age'


A canonical, yet arbitrary name for a set of data that may be backed up to multiple destinations.

A datastore will appear under the [datastores.<storename>] key in the config file. The <storename> is a human-readable identifier that may be referenced in filtering with the -storenames flag.

A datastore contains 0 or more sources. A datastore contains 0 or more destinations.

Datastores may specify their own set of defaults. Any unspecified values will be merged in from the top-level defaults.


A file system path on a host, meant to be backed up. In the config file, these appear under [datastores.<storename>.sources].

A source is contained by a datastore.


A restic repository. In the config file, these appear under [datastores.<storename>.destinations.<destname>], where the <destname> is a human readable identifier to reference in filtering with the -destnames flag.

A destination is contained by a datastore.

Like datastores, destinations may specify their own set of defaults. Any unspecified values are merged in from datastore defaults, and by proxy the top-level defaults.