
Processing3 project: add a wealth of files, that includes and depends upon SIL Open Font License fonts: FreeSans, Input-Font, Source Code Pro, Work Sans. It generates PNG files and PDF files to an output folder and reads a text from a data folder.

Primary LanguagePython


Is a Processing sketch that: 
    reads lines of text from an external .txt file from the data folder
    loads those lines into an array called lines[]
    and reorders them randomly in groups of 10 into an array called stanza[]
    and then draws the stanza to the screen, scrolling from right to left
    and affords the opportunity render out single-page PDF files or PNG files
        that capture individual frames from the screen
    and does so in front of a set of rectangles that change scale slightly from frame to frame

Processing3 project: includes and depends upon 
    SIL Open Font License fonts: 
        FreeSans, Input-Font, 
        Source Code Pro, 
        Work Sans. 
It generates PNG files and PDF files to an output folder and reads a text from a data folder.