The 'Django Email Center' centralizes all email sending


pip install django-email-center


  1. Add django application django_email_center to INSTALLED_APPS in

  2. Send a simple email

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email('', '', 'subject here', 'body here' )
  3. Send a simple email for several

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email('', ['', ''], 'subject here', 'body here' )
  4. Send a simple email for several in hidden copy

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email('', ['', ''], 'subject here', 'body here', hidden_copy=True )
  5. Send a simple email in asynchronous method

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email('', '', 'subject here', 'body here' asynchronous=True)
  6. Save but not send a simple email

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email('', '', 'subject here', 'body here' no_send_email=True)
  7. Send a email with html body

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     body = render_to_string('html_template_here', parameters)
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email('', '', 'subject here', body, content_html=True )
  8. Send a email with one attachment

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     attachment = {}
     attachment['filename'] = 'example.jpg'
     attachment['content'] = File(open('/var/www/example.jpg', 'rb'))
     email.send_email('', '', 'subject here', 'body here',  attachments=attachment)
  9. Send a email with multiple attachments

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     attachments = []
     for i in range(1,10):
         attachment = {}
         attachment['filename'] = 'example.jpg'
         attachment['content'] = File(open('/var/www/example.jpg', 'rb'))
     email.send_email('', '', 'subject here', 'body here',  attachments=attachment)

Others features

  1. Optionals settings configuration (in

     EMAIL_CENTER_NO_SEND_EMAIL = False  # (Default: False) if true, all email(s) are stored but no sended
     EMAIL_CENTER_MAX_RETRY = 5  # (Default: 5) maximum number of attempts to send email(s) (Obs: in the future, I will create a job, for automatic retry, currently retry is manual, see "Manual send email" or "Function for automatic send emails not sended")
     EMAIL_CENTER_ATTACHMENT_PATH = 'email_center/attachment/'  # (Default: 'email_center/attachment/') place where the attachments are stored
     EMAIL_CENTER_ASYNCHRONOUS_SEND_EMAIL = False  # (Default: False) if true, all email(s) are sended in asynchronous method
     EMAIL_CENTER_DJANGO_ADMIN_REGISTER = True  # if true, models are registered in Django Admin
  2. Manual send email

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     True - Sended successful
     False - Error (view in EmailLogError DataBase)
     None - Email exceeded maximum number of attempts (not try again), for this see "Manual send email, that exceeded the maximum number of attempts"
  3. Manual send email, that exceeded the maximum number of attempts

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     email.send_email_function(EmailLogObjectHere, force_send=True)
     True - if sended successful
     False - if error (view in EmailLogError DataBase)
  4. Function for automatic send emails not sended

     from django_email_center.utils import actions
  5. Function for automatic send emails not sended, that exceeded the maximum number of attempts

     from django_email_center.utils import actions
  6. Update max retry exceeded for all not sended email

     from django_email_center.views.email_center import EmailCenter
     email = EmailCenter()
     True - if sended successful
  7. Interact over Django Email Center Models

     from django_email_center.models import *
     variable_name = EmailLog.objects.all()  # All email(s) informations
     variable_name = EmailLogAttachment.objects.all()  # Email(s) attachments
     variable_name = EmailLogErro.objects.all()  # If the submission generates an error, it will be saved here.
     variable_name = EmailStatisticDate.objects.all()  # Statistics of email(s), sended, failed and registered by date

Uninstall Django Email Center

**in shell:**
python migrate --fake django_email_center zero
pip uninstall django-email-center

**in database:**
DROP TABLE django_email_center_emaillog;
DROP TABLE django_email_center_emaillogattachment;
DROP TABLE django_email_center_emaillogerro;
DROP TABLE django_email_center_emailstatisticdate;