
An effort to make a clone of Google Keep in play-scala with Firebase.

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

Keep clone

Notes page screenshot

An effort to make a clone of Google Keep in play-scala with Firebase. It has:

  • A login system that saves user data to Firebase
  • Log in with Google/GitHub/Facebook
  • Note creating/deleting/updating with Firebase
  • Note sharing; notes can be shared with other users
  • Note pinning and archiving
  • A settings page in which a user can edit his/her settings and delete his/her account


The project's main focus is to learn Scala/Play and Firebase.


Requirements to run the project locally:

  • Activator 1.3.12 including Play 2.5.12 (requires JDK 1.8)
  • NodeJS with Babel

Setup instructions

  • Clone the repo
  • Cd into the repo folder and run activator ui
  • In Activator, go to the run tab and run the project after it's compiled
  • The project now runs at localhost:9000
  • To compile the JavaScript, cd into the public folder and run babel es6 --watch --out-file javascripts/main.js
  • You're all set! You should be able to register an account at localhost:9000/register and login at localhost:9000/login

Make sign in with Facebook & GitHub work

To make sign in with Facebook & GitHub work, you'll need a client_id and client_secret for both of them. You'll have to go into app/controllers/OAuthController.scala and put them in the right place (GitHub is around line 60, Facebook is around line 102).

Run the project in production

To run the project in production, you'll have to do the following:

  • Cd into the project
  • First compile the JavaScript: cd into the public folder and run babel es6 --watch --out-file javascripts/main.js
  • Cd back to the project folder
  • Type sbt to enter the sbt console
  • Type playGenerateSecret to generate an app secret. You'll need it to run the project.
  • Type dist to package the project. After it's done, the package is in target/universal/keep-clone-1.0.zip
  • Extract the zip file to any location you want
  • In the extracted folder, go into conf/application.conf and edit the firebaseAuthPath variable to the Firebase authentication file path
  • In the terminal, type keep-clone-1.0/bin/keep-clone -Dplay.crypto.secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET
  • The project now runs at localhost:9000