
batteries-included async requests tool for python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


batteries-included async requests tool for python

Python Version Code style: black flake8 Imports: isort Checked with mypy pytest coverage: 100%

Build status

Test Release
Test Release


Source Downloads Page Installation Command
PyPi PyPI - Downloads Link pip install biar


Welcome to biar! 👋

Think of it as your all-in-one solution for smoother async requests development.

🤓 while working on different tech companies I found myself using the same stack of Python libraries over and over. In each new project I'd add same requirements and create Python clients sharing a lot of code I've already developed before.

That's why in biar I've packed the functionality of some top-notch Python projects:

  • aiohttp: for lightning-fast HTTP requests in async Python.
  • tenacity: ensures your code doesn't give up easily, allowing retries for better resilience.
  • pyrate-limiter: manage rate limits effectively, async ready.
  • yarl: simplifies handling and manipulating URLs.
  • pydantic: helps validate and manage data structures with ease.
  • loguru: your ultimate logging companion, making logs a breeze.

With biar, you get all these awesome tools rolled into one package, all within a unified API. It's the shortcut to handling async requests, retries, rate limits, data validation, URL manipulation, Proxy and logging—all in a straightforward tool.

Give biar a spin and see how it streamlines your async request development!


With biar vs without

Imagine a scenario where you need to make several requests to an API. But not only that, you also need to handle rate limits, retries, and logging.

Imagine you need to make 10 requests to an API. The API has a rate limit of 5 requests per second. The API is not very stable, so could set up a retry each request up to 5 times. The rate limit is 5 requests per second. You need to log each request and its response.

We can use aioresponses to mock the server and simulate the scenario. Check the example below:

import asyncio

from aioresponses import aioresponses
from pydantic import BaseModel
from yarl import URL

BASE_URL = URL("https://api.com/v1/entity/")

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    id_entity: str
    feature: int

async def main():
    with aioresponses() as mock_server:
        # set up mock server
        request_urls = []
        for i in range(10):
            url = BASE_URL / str(i)

            # 500 error on first request for each url
            mock_server.get(url=url, status=500)

            # 200 success
            response_json = {"id_entity": str(i), "feature": 123}
            mock_server.get(url=url, payload=response_json, status=200)

        # act
        results = await make_requests(request_urls=request_urls)
        print(f"Structured content:\n{results}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Without biar, you probably would implement the make_requests function like this:

from typing import List

import aiohttp
from pyrate_limiter import Duration, InMemoryBucket, Limiter, Rate
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential
from yarl import URL

async def fetch_data(
    session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: URL, limiter: Limiter
) -> MyModel:
    async with session.get(url) as response:
        if response.status == 500:
            raise Exception("Server Error")
        response_json = await response.json()
        return MyModel(**response_json)

@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(5), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=0, max=10))
async def fetch_with_retry(
    session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: URL, limiter: Limiter
) -> MyModel:
    return await fetch_data(session=session, url=url, limiter=limiter)

async def make_requests(request_urls: List[URL]) -> List[MyModel]:
    limiter = Limiter(
        InMemoryBucket(rates=[Rate(5, Duration.SECOND)]),
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        tasks = []
        for url in request_urls:
            task = fetch_with_retry(session=session, url=url, limiter=limiter)
        results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        return results

Using the right tools is not terrible right? But depend on importing several things and knowing how to use these libraries. There's a lot of concepts to understand here like context managers, decorators, async, etc. Additionally, this is obviously not the only way to do it. Without a standard way to handle these requests, you'll probably end up with a lot of boilerplate code, and different developers will implement it in different ways.

With biar, you can implement the same make_requests function like this:

from typing import List

from yarl import URL
import biar

async def make_requests(request_urls: List[URL]) -> List[MyModel]:
    responses = await biar.request_structured_many(
            retryer=biar.Retryer(attempts=5, min_delay=0, max_delay=10),
            rate_limiter=biar.RateLimiter(rate=5, time_frame=1),
    return [response.structured_content for response in responses]

Easy, right? ✨🍰

You also automatically get a nice log:

2023-11-12 02:10:45.084 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/0...
2023-11-12 02:10:45.088 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:45.088 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/1...
2023-11-12 02:10:45.089 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:45.089 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/2...
2023-11-12 02:10:45.089 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:45.089 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/3...
2023-11-12 02:10:45.090 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:45.090 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/4...
2023-11-12 02:10:45.090 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:45.090 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/5...
2023-11-12 02:10:46.142 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:46.142 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/6...
2023-11-12 02:10:46.144 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:46.144 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/7...
2023-11-12 02:10:46.145 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:46.145 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/8...
2023-11-12 02:10:46.146 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:46.147 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:111 - Request started, GET method to https://api.com/v1/entity/9...
2023-11-12 02:10:46.147 | DEBUG    | tenacity.before_sleep:log_it:65 - Retrying biar.services._request in 1.0 seconds as it raised ResponseEvaluationError: Error: status=500, Text content (if loaded): Server Error.
2023-11-12 02:10:47.189 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:47.189 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:47.189 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:47.189 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:47.189 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:48.242 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:48.242 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:48.242 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:48.243 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
2023-11-12 02:10:48.243 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:156 - Request finished!
Structured content:
[MyModel(id_entity='0', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='1', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='2', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='3', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='4', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='5', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='6', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='7', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='8', feature=123), MyModel(id_entity='9', feature=123)]

Post request with structured payload

You don't need to deal with json serialization. You can make post requests passing a payload as a pydantic model. Check the example below:

import asyncio
import datetime

from aioresponses import CallbackResult, aioresponses
from pydantic import BaseModel
from yarl import URL

import biar

BASE_URL = URL("https://api.com/v1/entity/")

class StructuredContent(BaseModel):
    id: str
    ts: datetime.datetime
    feature: int

async def main():
    with aioresponses() as mock_server:
        # set up mock server
        def callback(_, **kwargs):
            json_payload = kwargs.get("json")
            print(f"Received payload: {json_payload}")
            return CallbackResult(status=200)

        mock_server.post(url=BASE_URL / "id", status=200, callback=callback)

        # act
        _ = await biar.request(
            url=BASE_URL / "id",
                    id="id", ts="2023-11-23T01:15:43.883492", feature=123

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


2023-11-23 01:14:33.839 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:113 - Request started, POST method to https://api.com/v1/entity/id...
2023-11-23 01:14:33.840 | DEBUG    | biar.services:request:159 - Request finished!
Received payload: {'id': 'id', 'ts': '2023-11-23T01:15:43.883492', 'feature': 123}

More examples

Check more examples in the unit tests here.


After creating your virtual environment:

Install dependencies

make requirements

Code Style and Quality

Apply code style (black and isort)

make apply-style

Run all checks (flake8 and mypy)

make checks

Testing and Coverage

make tests