Anime list consuming Kitsu API.
Deployed at
- nextjs
- ant design
- less
- eslint
run yarn
run yarn dev
Anime: gets data
arg, from which it renders single anime information
Layout: simple layout including navbar and div for main content
NavBar: fixed div with navigation links
api: interface with KitsuAPI. Contains fetchAnimes, which fetches 10 animes at a time (based on offset), and fetchAnime, which fetches a single anime by id
table-data: generates columns
and dataSource
for Antd Table component.
_app: global styles
index: home page
animes/index: table list page. Responsible for fetching data and sending it to Table component
animes/[id]: single anime page. Fetches single anime by url id then sends it to Anime component
styles for components and antd (also antd variables)
bg image