A portable, ANSI-C implementation of Pan-Tompkins real-time QRS detection algorithm
- apooreapoThessaloniki, Greece
- Chendeshun
- crcunninghamPortland, OR
- danielleiszenCamino Solutions
- David-WL
- federicohyoEindhoven University of Technology
- grosa1University of Molise - UNIMOL
- GruschwickPoland
- H-RibeiroLondon, UK
- Huinno-KimYoonChang
- ichatz
- ifyouzzz
- import-tiagoSão Paulo, Brazil.
- JohannesNE
- johannks
- lanpinggolden
- lantheman89
- Leon199707
- linhdao0403
- mjwvb
- moictab@Creditas
- mta9896
- myd7349
- NewbieFish
- OhyoukillkennyBoston
- pipsel
- renatosc
- RomanBruhanov
- ShuaiHuangShanghai,China
- stamaleiferis
- t0rnBarcelona
- testDektopAccount
- vaggos666
- Vitelline
- wwwguoxd
- yshanyesChengDu