
a one file solution for image BBS

Primary LanguagePHP

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ InstaChan

a one file solution for image BBS ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

InstaChan is in no way a substitute for more robust bbs and chans-a-like. But if you need a quick and dirty way to set a BBS for few people it may just be your chan! The premisses are as follow:

  1. It is free! to use and mod, but if you do so pls mention me ;)
  2. It's a one file does it all project.... it's not meant to be fast or efficient, it's meant as a joke!
  3. I do not take responsibility for any damage this peace of software may cause to you or to your system... you've been warned! o___o
  4. This is not a serious board and it's meant as a quick and cheap way to setup a chan in your server.
  5. This is just a study for a one file image board BBS using PHP and JSON.

Just upload this file to a php able server and watch it burn! ʕ → ᴥ ← ʔ

Have fun...

Getting started...

Just put the instachan.php file in a PHP able server and run it! It'll run a first time setup and create the needed folder and files. To reset just delete the .json files and it will be just as new ;)

to delete just delete every thing... it's no rocket science... o___O

docker: docker run -d -p 8081:80 --name instachan -v "$PWD":/var/www/html php:7.2-apache

To Do...

  • implement security against code injection ಠ▃ಠ
  • a way to create thumb nails
  • a quote function, to quote other people msg...
  • multi threads... maybe doable with the following ;)
  • implement object oriented programming..
  • implement deleting instafolder and files...


  • auto delete board after n number of post
  • ERROR: if number of post per page is a multiple of number of posts the pages index gets 1 empty page at the end... and some more... DONE!!!
  • ERROR: some times we get a error when trying to reset the chan: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by DONE?
  • color themes DONE! =D
  • configuration at the first run DONE!
  • multy page support... I've been thinking in ways to do this... DONE!


v1 -- multy page, config on first run, themes

v0 -- Basic text and image function, JSON "database". Post can be posted and deleted. One file, easy deploy...