An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir. It provides the following functionalities.
- OAuth token retrieval by communicating with OAuth 2.0 server.
- Caching the acquired token locally, and refreshing the token when the it's expired.
- HTTP client access by specifying OAuth2 access token. It uses httpoison ( as http client library.
The OAuth2Ex.Sample
modules contain several examples for OAuth2 providers like Google, GitHub and Dropbox.
It's pretty much work in progress yet, and APIs will likely to change.
Specify :oauth2ex
in the appliations
and deps
section in the mix.exs.
def application do
[ applications: [:logger, :oauth2ex] ]
defp deps do
{:oauth2ex, github: "parroty/oauth2ex"}
The following is an example to call Google's BigQuery API.
An example to use OAuth2Ex helper methods to retrieve OAuth token.
# Setup config parameters (retrive required parameters from OAuth 2.0 providers).
config = OAuth2Ex.config(
id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_ID"),
secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_SECRET"),
authorize_url: "",
token_url: "",
scope: "",
callback_url: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
token_store: %OAuth2Ex.FileStorage{
file_path: System.user_home <> "/"}
# -> %OAuth2Ex.Config{authorize_url: ""...
# Get authentication parameters.
IO.puts OAuth2Ex.get_authorize_url(config)
# ->
# Open this url using browser and acquire code string.
# Acquire code from browser and a get access token using the code.
code = "xxx..."
token = OAuth2Ex.get_token(config, code)
# -> %OAuth2Ex.Token{access_token: "xxx.......",
# expires_at: 1408467022, expires_in: 3600,
# refresh_token: "yyy....",
# token_type: "Bearer"}
# Access API server using token.
response = OAuth2Ex.HTTP.get(token, "")
# -> %HTTPoison.Response{body: "{\n \"kind\": \"bigquery#projectList...
# Save token to a file for later use.
# Load previously saved token from the file.
token = OAuth2Ex.Token.load(
%OAuth2Ex.FileStorage{file_path: System.user_home <> "/"})
# Refresh access_token from refresh_token.
token = OAuth2Ex.refresh_token(config, token)
An example to uses local server for automating the token retrieval using OAuth2Ex.Client module.
# Setup config parameters (retrive required parameters from OAuth 2.0 providers).
config = OAuth2Ex.config(
id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_ID"),
secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_SECRET"),
authorize_url: "",
token_url: "",
scope: "",
callback_url: "http://localhost:4000",
token_store: %OAuth2Ex.FileStorage{
file_path: System.user_home <> "/"}
# -> %OAuth2Ex.Config{authorize_url: ""...
# Retrieve token from server. It opens authorize_url using browser,
# and then waits for the callback on the local server on port 4000.
token = OAuth2Ex.Token.browse_and_retrieve!(config, receiver_port: 4000)
# -> %OAuth2Ex.Token{access_token: "..."
# Access API server using token.
response = OAuth2Ex.HTTP.get(token, "")
# -> %HTTPoison.Response{body: "{\n \"kind\": \"bigquery#projectList...
module can be used as :token_store
to save access_token
and refresh_token
in encrypted format.
token = %OAuth2Ex.Token{access_token: "aaa", refresh_token: "bbb"}
storage = %OAuth2Ex.EncryptedStorage{
encryption_key: "encryption_key", file_path: "test/tmp/token_file"}, storage)
The token is saved to the file specified by the :file_path
using the encryption_key
, as the following.
"access_token": [
"auth_header": "Bearer",
"config": null,
"expires_at": null,
"expires_in": null,
"refresh_token": [
"token_type": null
The token file can be loaded as follows.
storage = %OAuth2Ex.EncryptedStorage{
encryption_key: "encryption_key", file_path: "test/tmp/token_file"}
token = OAuth2Ex.EncryptedStorage.load(storage)
Some providers sets expiration date for the access token (ex. Google has 1 hour expiration). For this kind of providers, OAuth2Ex.ensure_token
can be used. This method checks the expiration date and refresh the token if it's expired, and does nothing if it's not expired.
token = OAuth2Ex.ensure_token(config, token)
response = OAuth2Ex.HTTP.get(token, "")
module provides some helper functions for token retrieval and http accessing.
- The
method retrieves the OAuth token and store it locally.- This method-call starts up local web server with specified
to listen callback from OAuth 2.0 server.
- This method-call starts up local web server with specified
- The
method calls Google's BigQuery API using the pre-acquired OAuth token.
defmodule OAuth2Ex.Sample.Google do
@moduledoc """
Sample setting for Google OAuth 2.0 API.
use OAuth2Ex.Client
@doc """
Client configuration for specifying required parameters
for accessing OAuth 2.0 server.
def config do
id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_ID"),
secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_SECRET"),
authorize_url: "",
token_url: "",
scope: "",
callback_url: "http://localhost:3000",
token_store: %OAuth2Ex.FileStorage{
file_path: System.user_home <> "/"},
client_options: [receiver_port: 3000, timeout: 60_000]
@doc """
List the projects by calling Google BigQuery API.
def projects do
response = OAuth2Ex.HTTP.get(token, "")
response.body |> JSX.decode!
method requires the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
id(*) | Client ID to identify the user to access. |
secret(*) | Client secret to authorize the token retrieval. |
authorize_url(*) | Authorization url to retrieve a code to start authentication. |
token_url(*) | Token url to retrieve token. |
scope | Scope to identify the allowed scope within the provider's API. Some providers does not have one. |
callback_url | Callback url for receiving code, which is redirected from authorize_url. |
token_store | Specify a module to handle saving and loading. |
auth_header | HTTP Access header for specifying OAuth token. It defaults to "Bearer", which sends Authorization: Bearer xxxx header. |
response_type | Response type when accessing authorization url. It defaults to "code". |
client_options | Additional options for clients. |
(*) indicates mandatory parameter.