
Creating a binary tree on an html, with the assistance of javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Drawing a responsive Binary Tree with JS

This repository is a result of my work trying to draw a web page that displays an interactive diagram, which later is going to feed a REST-API. The only constraint, at the diagram, is that it follows a binary tree. In that way, the html+js of this repo gives the user the possibility of building a tree step by step, and whose content, of each leave, is a text that it is inserted whenever the center of the leaves are clicked.

In order to run this repo there are two dependencies:

Both of these projects are awesome, check them up for more information. Copy both of these javascript files at this directory then open index.html at the web browser.

Note: The diagram can be easily adapted, the more difficult part was to generate the binary tree objects in javascript. Later I will insert an example on how to generate the tree.

example of tree