
RFID anticollision Simulator

Primary LanguageJava


RFID anticollision Simulator

This project allows RFID researchers to test various anti-collision algorithms such as:

  • Schoute
  • Lower Bound
  • Eom-Lee
  • C1G2

================ Requirements

Oracle JAVA 7 http://www.java.com/pt_BR/download/manual.jsp

================ How to Use

	 java -jar <initialNumberOfTags> <finalNumberOfTags> <step> <confidenceLevel> <numberOfIterations> <method> <deleteStatusFile> <initialFrameSize> <type>


	 method: 1 - Schoute; 2-LOWER; 3-Eom-Lee; 4-Mota; 5-C1G2
	 deleteStatusFile: 1- Yes; 0-No
	 initialFrameSize: 128, 64, 256 for non Q based algorithms or 4,5,6,... for Q based Algorithms
	 type: all|no|test -> all: runs all methods; no -> run only the selected method; test: test estimation method: real number of tags x estimated number of tags 		 

	 Example: java -jar simulator7.jar 100 5000 100 90 1000 2 1 128 all
	 The application will simulate using the number of tags from 100 to 5000, steps of 100, 90% Confidence Level, 1000 iterations, deleting the current status file, initial frame size 128. all methods

================ Validation

This simulator was validated comparing the results with the paper:

[WU, 2013] Haifeng Wu; Yu Zeng; Jihua Feng; Yu Gu, "Binary Tree Slotted ALOHA for Passive RFID Tag Anticollision," Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.24, no.1, pp.19,31, Jan. 2013 doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2012.120 URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6178250&isnumber=6365207

The results are available at: http://www.ime.usp.br/~perazzo/jRFIDsim_validation/1.png http://www.ime.usp.br/~perazzo/jRFIDsim_validation/2.png

================ Credits

Rafael Perazzo Barbosa Mota perazzo@ime.usp.br http://www.ime.usp.br/~perazzo