How it works:
- Create an JSON file colled produsct.js and add on json folder. You can se the required JSON structure on products--EXAMPLE.json file
- The robot will read and scrap the competitor:
- Read local JSON
- Create a queue of product (to prevent has the IP block) respecting the default delay between each product scan
- Access the competitors link
- Get the HTML
- Scan page
- Get price by selectors (class, id or itemprop)
- Sort by price (lowest first)
- Highlight your price
- Print on screen
- Run on Chrome with the special configuration
- On browser, click on 'Compare' button
Your Product: Add at first on each product on the JSON file and change name on setup.js
You can have a look on setup.js all custom options.
After install the app in your computor you should do this to use the app.
- Open star menu
- Type
+ enter - Type
chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security
+ enter - Acess local index like
After cloning the repository, go to the project folder go to the app folder and run:
npm install
yarn install
gulp watching
You must use a local server to see access the index.html