
User Management App - API: NestJS, TypeORM, Postgres and TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

User Management API

This API handles user registration, login, and profile management with avatar and photo uploads.

Project Stack: NestJS, Postgres, Typescript, Docker

Run the API in Dev Mode

To start the application in development mode:

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Copy the .env file provided into the api root folder.

  3. Certify you have Docker installed in your machine.

  4. In the terminal, Navigate to the project's directory where the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files are located. You should For example:

cd Documents/umt-api
  1. Build the Dokcer Image based on Dockerfile
docker build -f Dockerfile .
  1. Start the application running Docker Compose. This defines the services, networks and volumes based on your docker-compose.yml
docker compose up
  1. Use the Postman collection provided to test the API.

Useful Links