Project to demonstrate the abilities and use of Polyglot Persitence within a real Application
The project consists of
- MongoDB and NEO4j Databases
- Web application using Node,Express and Angular
- Tests Using Mocha framework
- Grunt for task automation and Bower for Lib management
- Files with sample data imported through Node functions
- npm install
- bower install
The project now would be ready to run.
- nodemon bin/www
- grunt serve
The application is dependent on an environment variable called NODE_ENV which has the following properties
- "development": does not run a static files server which means that all html/js front-end files needs to be serve by grunt webserver. The backend application is being run on port 3000
- "test": Same "development" properties but it connects to a test database
- "production": Runs the application in production mode, running also a static content server (Express) eliminating the need of running grunt embedded web server