
Modal share across metropolitan areas


Modal share across metropolitan areas. The data contains the modal share distribution. The data has 999 observations, corresponding to 801 metropolitan areas.

Variable description

CityID - unique identifier for the metropolitan area. Repeated IDs correspond to two or more observations for the same city.

ObsID - unique identifier of the observation.

year - year of the sample

LastObservation - binary, detailing whether the number corresponds to the latest observation of the city

Country - name of the country

state_name - name of the state if available

state_abbr - state abbreviation if available

City - name of the city

metro_names - name of the metropolitan area if available (mostly in the US). The name for some cities corresponds to the largest municipality of the metropolitan area

population - estimated population corresponding to the year of the observations

longitude - x coordinate

latitude - y coordinate

Walking - % of people that walk to work

Cycling - % of people that cycle to work

Active - % of people that have active mobility to work, including walking, cycling and others

Bus - % of people that use public transport to work

Car - % of people that use car to work

IncomeGroup - Income group of the country, according to the World Bank classification

Region - world region - Europe anc Central Asia; Latin America and Caribbean; East Asia and Pacific; South Asia; North America; Sub-Saharan Africa

DataSource - name of the data source reported

DataLink - link to the data reported