
Authorization tools for Flask

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Are you permissions making too much noise all the time? Are your permissions stomping all over your actual code? Are your permission decorators clawing at your line count all the time? Think there's no answer? There is! Flask-Allows.

Flask-Allows is an authorization tool for Flask inspired by django-rest-framework's permissioning system and rest_condition's ability to compose simple requirements into more complex ones.


Just yer standard pip install flask-allows

Flask Allows supports 2.7, and 3.4+. Support for 3.3 was ended in the version 0.3 release


Flask-Allows provides a simple route decorator that accepts a list of requirements, which can be any callable that accept an identity and the current request.

from flask_allows import Allows
from flask import g, request
from .myapp import app

allows = Allows(identity_loader=lambda: g.user)

def is_staff(ident, request):
    return ident.permlevel == 'staff'

def staff_only():
    return "Welcome to the staff lounge"

Flask-Allows also provides a Permission class that can act as either a boolean or a context manager. This depends on flask-allows being previously configured on the current application.

from flask import render_template
from flask_allows import Permission
from .myapp import app
from .requirements import is_staff

def index():
    if Permission(is_staff):
        return render_template('staff_index.html')
        return render_template('user_index.html')

def do_stuff():
    with Permission(is_staff):

When using Permission as a context manager, if the loaded identity doesn't meet the requirements, an exception is thrown immediately. However, when used as a boolean, it simply returns True or False.

It's also possible to provide an already loaded user to Permission by passing it via the identity keyword.

More Advanced Stuff

flask-allows provides a small toolkit for crafting more complex requirements. One of these is the base Requirement class:

from flask_allows import Requirement
from .models import Forum, Group

class CanAccessForum(Requirement):
    def fulfill(self, identity, request):
        forum_id = self.determine_forum_id(request)
        user_group_ids = self.get_user_group_ids(user)

        q = Forum.query.with_entities(Forum.id).filter(
            Forum.id == forum_id, Forum.groups.any(Group.id.in_(user_group_ids))

        return q is not None

    def determine_forum(self, request):
        # do something complicated to determine the forum_id
        return request.view_args['forum_id']

    def user_group_ids(self, user):
        if user.is_anonymous():
            return [Group.get_guest_group().id]
            return [gr.id for gr in user.groups]

When providing a class based requirement to be fulfilled, you must instantiate it in case there's any setup that needs to be performed.

def forum(forum_id):

def forum(forum_id):

Or if you have many simple requirements that need to be composed into a more complex requirement, this is provided as well:

from flask_allows import And, Or Not
from .requirements import is_staff, read_only, is_member

@allows.requires(Or(is_staff, And(readonly, is_member)))
def something():

Why not Flask-Principal?

I have nothing against Flask-Principal, I just found that it didn't work for what I needed without adding an extra layer around it.